Defending Class Actions in Canada By McCarthy Tetrault LLP, 2nd Ed

Original price was: £170.00.Current price is: £80.00.

This textbook titled “Defending Class Actions in Canada” by McCarthy Tetrault LLP is the perfect resource for those studying or practising class action defence in Canada. The second edition of this book provides a comprehensive guide to the legal principles and strategies involved in class action defence. With contributions from experts in the field, this book covers topics such as the Class Action Act, discovery, motion practice, and trial strategy. It is an essential resource for anyone looking to understand the complexities of class action defence in Canada.



This textbook titled “Defending Class Actions in Canada” by McCarthy Tetrault LLP is the perfect resource for those studying or practising class action defence in Canada. The second edition of this book provides a comprehensive guide to the legal principles and strategies involved in class action defence. With contributions from experts in the field, this book covers topics such as the Class Action Act, discovery, motion practice, and trial strategy. It is an essential resource for anyone looking to understand the complexities of class action defence in Canada.