Liability For Negligent Misstatements By Christian Witting

Original price was: £220.00.Current price is: £100.00.

This book is a valuable resource for students and practitioners of law. It provides a comprehensive overview of the legal principles governing negligent misstatements and offers insights into the strategies for defending against such claims. The author, Christian Witting, has an impressive track record of expertise in this field and his expertise is evident throughout the book. The publication is a textbook and is titled “Liability For Negligent Misstatements” and is authored by Law Book Publication. It is an excellent resource for those studying or practising in the field of negligent misstatements. The book is categorised under “Adult Learning & University”, “Textbooks, Education & Reference”, and “Books, Comics & Magazines”.



This book is a valuable resource for students and practitioners of law. It provides a comprehensive overview of the legal principles governing negligent misstatements and offers insights into the strategies for defending against such claims. The author, Christian Witting, has an impressive track record of expertise in this field and his expertise is evident throughout the book. The publication is a textbook and is titled “Liability For Negligent Misstatements” and is authored by Law Book Publication. It is an excellent resource for those studying or practising in the field of negligent misstatements. The book is categorised under “Adult Learning & University”, “Textbooks, Education & Reference”, and “Books, Comics & Magazines”.