Appellate Courts In The United States And England By Delmar Karlen

Original price was: £240.00.Current price is: £100.00.

This textbook by Delmar Karlen explores the differences in appellate courts between the United States and England. Written by the Law Book Publication, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning about the legal systems in both countries. The book is in excellent condition and is suitable for individuals studying law or interested in comparative legal systems.


The publication is a unit type and is classified under the “Textbooks, Education & Reference” category on eBay. It has been manufactured in the United States and is recommended for adult learning and university students. The book provides insight into the workings of appellate courts and is a must-read for anyone interested in law.



This textbook by Delmar Karlen explores the differences in appellate courts between the United States and England. Written by the Law Book Publication, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning about the legal systems in both countries. The book is in excellent condition and is suitable for individuals studying law or interested in comparative legal systems.


The publication is a unit type and is classified under the “Textbooks, Education & Reference” category on eBay. It has been manufactured in the United States and is recommended for adult learning and university students. The book provides insight into the workings of appellate courts and is a must-read for anyone interested in law.