Lindley And Banks On Partnership 18th Edition

Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £50.00.

This textbook is a valuable resource for students and practitioners of law. It provides a comprehensive overview of the legal principles and practices governing partnerships in the 18th edition. The book is authored by Lindley and Banks, and is a must-have for those studying or practicing in this field. The book is categorised under Adult Learning & University, Textbooks, Education & Reference, and Books, Comics & Magazines. It is a textbook that is specifically designed to help students and practitioners of law understand the complexities of partnerships. The book is published by Law Book Publication, and is an excellent resource for those looking to expand their knowledge in this area.



This textbook is a valuable resource for students and practitioners of law. It provides a comprehensive overview of the legal principles and practices governing partnerships in the 18th edition. The book is authored by Lindley and Banks, and is a must-have for those studying or practicing in this field. The book is categorised under Adult Learning & University, Textbooks, Education & Reference, and Books, Comics & Magazines. It is a textbook that is specifically designed to help students and practitioners of law understand the complexities of partnerships. The book is published by Law Book Publication, and is an excellent resource for those looking to expand their knowledge in this area.